Sackville High School

March 2nd, 2020

Mar 2
There will be a brief meeting (10minutes) for all grade 11 & 12 African & Indigenous students interested in attending a presentation for the Transitional Year Program at Dalhousie. The meeting will take place in room 229B with Mr. Tasco.
Field Hockey
Field hockey practice Monday and Wednesday in the gym 3-4:30
There will be band after school.
There will be Choir on Wednesday at Lunch
Holy jumpin Justice! It’s already March! Well didn’t you hear? The yearbook committee is calling March Grad month?? What does that mean?? Well go check out their Instagram for details! I heard this week they’re taking submissions for baby and throwback pictures! @shsyearbook.ns
If you are interested in Dance-a-thon this year, hosted by DHS on April 2nd, then you can pick up a contract from room 111 starting Tuesday! I repeat, pick up a CONTRACT on TUESDAY!!! The dance tickets are $15 and can be purchased once the contract is handed in.
Course Selection
ANY students that were absent or had a free during course selections please come to the library tomorrow on Tuesday right after lunch during C Block - Counsellors will be available to help.
Ms. Mullane and Mr. Vincer would like to thank all of the participants of Game 2 of the Nova Scotia Math League on Saturday. Cara Kinn, Ethan Black, Kieran Black, Khai Tra, Gabriel Ferrari, Marcel Bourque, Evan Cestnick, Olivia Bilodeau, Emma Reeves, Sarah Hunt and Deana Symes represented Sackville High quite well as strong "Mathletes". The third and final game of the Math League season will be held at the end of the month on March 28th. Hope to see you there! members please wear your shirts to our meeting on Monday!
Saint Mary’s
Students that are planning to attend Saint Mary's or those interested in learning more about Saint Mary's are invited to a private session on Monday March 2nd during lunch. There is a sign up sheet in Student Services, so if you're interested please stop by and add your name to the list!
Community Prom
The Bingo fundraiser for your prom has been postponed until March 10. This gives you more time to get your tickets and round up your friends and family to help raise some funds to reduce the cost for you at your prom.