Sackville High School

February 5th, 2021

Feb 5
Would the following students please come to the main office. Kyle McHugh, Emma MacLeod, Colby Kelson, Brandon LeRue.
Yoga Club
Yoga Club is back and everyone is welcome! Starting Wednesday, Feb. 10th at 3:15pm in Room 324. See Ms. MacQueen if you have any questions.
Green Team
Do you care about the environment? Green Team needs you! Green team meets every Thursday at lunch in room 311. See you there!
Student Council
February is Black History Month! Join us in the cafeteria for Kahoot!
Chess Club
Reminder Chess club is held in room 309 Tuesdays and Thursdays, bringing a board is not required.
The Rock Paper Scissor club will not be meeting next week. However, the yearbook will be meeting Tuesday in Mr. Blades' room at lunch.
Hey grade 12’s. Yearbook wants to know your future plans. Fill out the form in our grade level Google Classroom.