Sackville High School

February 26th, 2021

Feb 26
Green Team
Green Team is hosting their annual Adopt-an-animal fundraiser next week! Check us out on Instagram @shs_green_team for more info.
Student Council
Happy International Stand Up Against Bullying Day! Come down to the Caf at lunch and write on our positivity board, and come play Sucker Pull in the Main Lobby! Don't have a Pink Shirt yet? You can buy one in the lobby at lunch for only $10!
At least 1 in 3 high school students in Canada have reported being bullied recently. We can all do our part to stand up to bullying. Telling a teacher, coach or guidance counsellor are all ways you can help stop bullying. For more information you can visit bullying canada [dot] ca [slash] get [dash] help
Hey kingfishers! Want to have an amazing day on Saturday March 13th? Well if you answered yes sign up for the Metro Region NSSSA conference on their instagram @metronsssa. A day full of keynotes, leadership building activities, a talent show, and more! Find out more on their instagram or ask our NSSSA rep Shayna Halliday for more information!
Black History Month
February is Black History Month! Join us in the cafeteria on Thursday for BINGO!
Listen carefully to the clues on the announcements and guess who they are about. Write your full name, date, and who it is on a piece of paper and submit it to the office for a chance to win a prize. Good Luck!
Attention grade 12s! Did you know you can submit your future plans to be printed in the yearbook? You can! Just fill out the form in the grade 12 Google Classroom. We also need your baby pictures! All the information is in the Google Classroom under the "Yearbook" Assignment.
Mr. Doyle is looking for Co-op Students for next year. The co-op course has been offered here at the school for over 30 years. If you want a real-world work experience to see if you are the right fit for a chosen career or unsure what career is best for you, select Co-op during your course selection. Health Care, Business, Computers, Tourism/Hotels, Law, Canadian Armed Forces, Police, Personal Trainers and many more are just a few examples of previous placements. Mr. Doyle has posted more information in the Grade 10 and 11 Google Classroom. There you can view a video and other links that better explain the Coop program.
Parking pass
Students and staff are reminded to submit an application for a parking pass to the Main Office. All those parking on school grounds must display a SHS parking pass. The Application is found on the SHS web site and parents must sign the student application. We are having a lot of issues with people making their own parking spaces, blocking other cars in, etc. We are aware that the lines are very faint, especially in the back row. Please considerate of where you are parking so as to make room for everyone.

Grad Photos
Would Connor Hall , Austin Hill, please come to the main office to pick up their school photos.