Sackville High School

September 28th, 2021

Sept 28
Student Ids
All students that have had their photo taken will have their id’s emailed to their gnspes email.
Kingfisher Corner Store
Important notice that the Kingfisher Corner Store which is located off the lobby has a new stock of snacks available. Prices start at 25 cents. If you are looking for a little snack to hold you over, stop by! We will soon be looking to place an order for new Sackville High clothing items to sell at our store. If you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let us know!
Student Council
Want to be a part of this years amazing Student Council? Applications for grade 9 rep and members at Large can be picked up at the office or from Mrs. Mullane in room 111 Deadline to apply is Wednesday, September 29th.
The GSA will meet in room 321 on Thursday September 30 at lunch. All are welcome!