Sackville High School

November 29th, 2021

Nov 29
Community Food Pantry
Sackville High is starting a Community Food Pantry for students and families in need and we need YOUR help to fill the cupboards! The first Friday of the month will be Food Donation Friday! Bring non-perishable food items to the Schools Plus space in room 112 on December 3rd. No donation is too big or too small.
Don't forget Fridays are Food Donation Friday! Bring non-perishable food items to the Schools Plus space in room 112. Help us stock the shelves for students and families in need!
There will be a virtual tour of Dalhousie for all ANS students on Wednesday December 1st. Any students interested send Mr. Tasco an email, as he will not be back to SHS until Wednesday the day of the Tour.
Green Team
Green team is hosting the annual adopt and animal fundraiser! This year we are symbolically adopting the little brown bat and the polar bear! Go check out their table in the main lobby at lunch today, and donate to save those two beautiful animals!