Sackville High School

January 13th, 2023

Jan 13
Grad Photos
Calnen Photography will be back on February 8 to finish taking grad photos. There is a link on the website to sign up for a time. There is a $15 fee that is due at the time of your sitting. This will be your last chance to have your grad photos done at the school.
There will be a curling meeting at 11:30am in the gym If you are interested in curling you must attend.
Phys Ed 12 Leadership 2nd Semester
There is a meeting with all students who is taking Physical Education 12 Leadership next semester with Mrs Coughran at 11:30am. If you can not attend please see Mrs. Coughran for an application form.
Schools Plus
Yoga class starts today at 11:30 in room 211 on the lower level. A mat and a healthy is snack will be provided. Space is limited!
Did you know there is a food pantry in room 112? help yourself to what you need. All are welcome.
Any students interested a GSA conference on Saturday, February 18, should contact GSA rep Alex Robichaud ASAP for more information.
Equity Team
Who loves buttons? The Equity team will be selling buttons on Thursday and Friday, January 12th & 13th, at lunch in the main foyer to raise money for mental health initiatives. Make a donation and get a cool button for your backpack or anywhere else and support a good cause.