June 7th, 2023
June 6
If you'd like to audition to be your class's Valedictorian, please check out your google classroom to see the information.
For any of our Kingfisher athletes who still have uniforms they haven’t returned they are due back asap. All uniforms must be returned, please take them to Ms. Coughran
Attention student athletes, the athletic banquet is on June 8, the grade 12 leadership class will be handing out tickets in the main lobby. You need a ticket to attend the athletic banquet and to make sure you have a seat with your team.
Track & Field
Great news! The Provincial Track and Field meet will be held Monday, June 12 and Tuesday, June 13. If you qualified you MUST pick up another permission form from Ms. McGrath in room 103 today. Also, practice will be held this Wednesday and Friday.
Softball provincials will be taking place June 9-10 at Parkview in Bridgewater. There will be a meeting at the start of lunch to pick up permission forms from Mr. Blanchard.
Community Prom
Hey Prom goers sign up for the Grand march through the link sent to your GNSPES or the Sackville High school community prom 2023 Facebook post.
June is PRIDE month! PRIDE month is celebrated annually in June to honor the work to achieve equal justice and equal opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. In addition, it is a time for 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and allies to come together and shine a spotlight on the resilience, celebrate the talent, and recognize the contributions of 2SLGBTQI+ communities. You can show you're an ally who supports LGBTQIA+ rights by wearing pride colours throughout this month.
The Lockview GSA is hosting "a friend called Margaret Cafe" on June 6th from 6-8pm. Please see Krista in the Youth Health Center room 325 for more information.