Sackville High School

May 1st, 2024

There is a link in your Google classroom to School Cash to pay for your Grad fees.

Please also fill out your Grad Profile google form.

Reminder that Grad breakfast is TOMORROW in the cafeteria!

Also a reminder to grads to make sure that your full legal birth name is on Powerschool for transcripts. If you are unsure, please go see Mrs. Avery in student services.

On May 6th, we will be honouring “Red Dress Day” by standing with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and wearing the colour red.
Red Dress Day began in 2010 when a Meti artist- Jamie Black, begun hanging empty dresses around Manitoba to represent over 1100 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women who have disappeared since 1980.
We urge you to wear red on May 6th and remember those who have been lost.

Hey Kingfishers!
Do you have school spirit? Want to go to an HRM school wide event? Mascot Showdown is coming up on June 6th from 5:45-9pm at Dartmouth High School! Tickets are available in the lobby at lunch for $10 CASH ONLY. That’s right $10 CASH ONLY in the lobby at lunch. You don’t want to miss this end of year event! May the best Mascot win!

The next girl’s softball tryout is today from 3-5pm at Eddy Leblanc if weather is good if not in the gym.

Outstanding sports fees and uniforms are due this Friday. Please see Mrs. Coughran or you will not be allowed to play on any other sports team.

There will be Choir at lunch today and Friday.

There will be concert band after school on tomorrow from 3:05-4:30pm

- Attention all students signed up for the exciting Europe 2025 trip "The Alps and the Mediterranean Coast"!
- We will be holding our first meeting on Wednesday, May 1st, during lunch at 11:35 in Room 319 (Mr. LeBlanc's room). We will be covering important details to ensure an unforgettable journey.

Agenda Items Include:
- Hotel Accommodations: Discussing our accommodations to ensure comfort and convenience throughout the trip.
- Itinerary Review: Exploring the thrilling destinations and activities planned for our adventure.
- Passport Preparations: Ensuring all necessary documentation is in order for seamless travel.